Friday, November 22, 2013


Summary (chapter 14)

Mr Chawla realized that situations were getting worst in the orchard and that is why Mr Chawla requested his son to move to a proper heritage so at least everyone would be safe. The monsoons were also going to arrive, he needed a proper shelter. Getting upset with Sampath’s blank face Mr Chawla ordered him to read the vedas (religious books) in order to communicate deeply with the devotees and not say silly things.

Sampath argued with his father telling him that he was not going to leave the tree. He had deep connections with the tree now, his father never understood him. Sampath wanted to be alone and that is why he ran away but his family followed him again. When it was time for dinner, he told his mother that he was being forced to leave the tree and live in a hermitage. Even Kulfi was against it and jokingly gave the idea of poisoning them.

The drunken monkeys were back, this time they drank the illicit liquor that an old women sells in bazar. As they came back to the orchard they created more chaos then they ever did. They destroyed kulfi’s kitchen and its items. She ran after them with a broom in her hand trying to shoo them away. They even destroyed the Sampath’s umbrella. Luckily no one was hurt. The monkeys made their way to the university research forest. They destroyed everything on their way.

The next day Mr Chawla went to the town. Things were not going as he planed it would. He was worried about the diseases these animals carried. The old District Collector had left and the new one had not arrived yet. That was the problem in a small place like Shakot, where no one bothers to give any importance to it. Mr Chawla had decided he is going to meet the other officials in order to maintain peace and happiness in Shahkot. 


Summary (chapter 13)

Chapter 13 starts after 1 month after of the arrival of the monkeys. A very unfortunate event had taken place, the monkeys had found 5 bottles of rum. The monkeys fond it in a bag of a man who was on his way to a wedding and stopped by to take baba’s blessings.

They drank it all up and caused chaos in the orchard. Sampath along with several other devotees requested them to be quiet but they would not listen. Mr Chawla discovered the rum bottles and figured out what was happening to the monkeys.  

The monkeys loved the taste of the rum and so they became more and more restless trying to look for more beer and rum that would satisfy their taste buds.

The monkeys would now go around cashing bags and upsetting the people again. They would even irritate the devotees in the orchard. Miss Joytsana and few others realized how the situation was getting out of control.

Sunday, November 17, 2013


Summary (chapter 12)

In chapter 12 Pinky sees the monkeys and again, she starts to think that these monkeys might have followed her. Aammji knew they were trouble and Mr Chawla also seem to agree with her.

The monkeys figured out that Sampath was not going to cause any harm to them, the monkeys were also impressed by the amount of food that was offered to Sampath. As soon as the offering was made the food was stolen away by the monkeys, which ruined  Mr Chawla’s idea of reselling the offerings.

All the female devotees had some story to tell, they all thought that Sampath charmed the monkeys. The spy tried to explain the devotees how these monkeys knew the way to interact with humans but no one was going to listen to him.

Whenever Pinky saw the monkeys it reminded her of the Hungry Hop Boy. Pinky had suddenly developed some feelings for her brother she realised how her brother wanted to run away from the painful world. Now she wanted to do the same. She regretted shouting at him when he use to sit idle on the rooftop in Shahkot.

She spend hours under Sampath’s tree imagining random possibilities. Suddenly she was angry with the hungry hop boy thinking that he was the one causing her all the trouble and worry. She seeked her brother’s help. Sampath compared her to a firecracker, and with the help of his wise words, she decide to “explode.”

The next day Pinky got dressed and made her way to the bus stop. The spy followed her just this once to make sure that there was nothing going on with Pinky. Pinky took off her hair pin and attacked the spy, he needed to rush for a tetanus shot to Doctor Banerjee.

In the market she walked up to the hungry hop boy. At first she had a felling as if she wanted to kiss him but instead she bit his ear so hard that a piece of it fell off. Everyone rushed to see what was happening.

The police questioned pinky, but she was not scared. After a few minutes of conversation another police man came in and whispered something secretly. When the police man realised that she was the sister of the baba (holy man). Without further questions Pinky was dropped safely home. She was satisfied now that she had bit Hungry Hop.

The policeman also went along to take Sampath’s blessing, thing did not go the way Mr Chawla expected, Sampath completey ignore the policeman as well as his questions. Sampath always had bad time with policemen. Mr Chawla wondered why Sampath did take important people seriously.

When the policeman asked if he could have a picture with this great baba then Mr Chawla thought why he never came up with this marketing idea. Mr Chawla brought along a photographer and gave him the exact instructions on how the picture should look like.   

As soon as Sampath saw the photographer, Sampath reminded the photographer of the love letter he use to send. The photographer was shocked and it took him few minutes to recover. He also took the pictures for free. After the photo secession the pictures were published everywhere, even in the Times of India.

Later that day there was an annual meeting of the Atheist Society. The spy was outraged about the Chawla case. He was furious as he spoke about the baba, he consumed up so much time that it was everyone’s dinner time but the spy would not stop his complains. The audience was getting upset and forced him to end his speech.  Once again the spy was filled with the determination to expose Sampath as a fraud.


Summary (chapter 11)

In chapter 11 we get to explore the Kulfi’s cooking pots. Kulfi is in the forest looking for and setting a trap for the strangest birds that she can find. When she cooks it would make Sampath happy and she herself wanted to explore more of the forest creatures and try them one by one.

She was warned about the dangers in woods by goat herder. But she did not care she wanted explore those plants, roots and even flowers. She would try her best to avoid any visitors that had come to the orchard because she was not interested in a chat she just wanted to cook for her son and satisfy herself.

Sampath would wait for his meals. Sometimes her creations were impressive but at times they were not. Mr. Chawla who would watched this, was worried that Sampath might die because of the kind of food given to him. Kulfi assured that the meal was safe by feeding a little part of it to the chickens. Mr. Chawla was really did not understand her ways. Mr Chawla was ready to take Kulfi to the mental asylum but he could not, after all they were the most respectable people in the town. What might the devotees think?

The devotees watched as Sampath ate his delicious smelling meal. They would try to take a peak of what Kulfi was cooking but there was not point of that she would aggressively shoo them away.

The spy had finally given up his research, he was sure that there was something in Kulfi’s cooking pots. Due to these food issues, Mr Chawla had set up certain time at which devotes could come meet him.

These allocated times made Sampath feel like an important person. At the end of the chapter Desai leaves us with a cliff hanger telling us that everything was just fine before the monkeys arrived.

Friday, November 1, 2013


Summary (chapter 10)

The Chawla family had settled in the orchard everything was supplied to them after all they are the family of the India’s great holy man. From lights, electricity, water, matches, soap, candles directly delivered to their door step.

Mr. Chawla had more in mind he wanted to extend his house, making a new kitchen or even open a bank account in the name of special fund to build temple. This will make endless amounts of money as people were so attacked to Sampath’s so called power.

Every one earned money even the rickshaw men had started to charge people more. Buses had to make more often trips to the orchard then it ever did.

As we know from the previous chapters that Sampath was provided with all sorts of comfort in the tree and now it was the family’s turn. Ammaji opened her tea stall; she enjoyed her snack and tea as she chatted the whole day. Mr Chawla was a guard to all those offerings that had been given to Sampath. By the end of the day he would collect them and sell them again the next day.

There was one man among the devotees who was a spy from the Atheist Society  and was also the member of Branch to Uncover Fraudulent Holy Men. The spy suspected that Sampath was not a real holy man. The spy made notes, asked Sampath questions and even kept his eye on anything he found unusual. He had a miserable life, hopeless family and a job as a teacher that he hated. He wanted to find the truth.

With all the questions the spy asked made Sampath really upset. Sampath showed everyone as if he was in deep thoughts so that he gets to ignore any further questions form the spy. Ammaji who was chatting with the devotees explained them how upset the family was with Sampath and how they would beg him to study, maybe just a little to get a passing grade. Even Miss Jyotsana entered the conversation and told them her experience with Sampath.

The pleasant surrounding and the beauty of nature made everyone, at that moment miss Jyotsana begin to sing. Sampath’s love for Jyotsana grew eve more, he had always admired her and sweet voice just made her even more perfect.

The spy was completely shocked. He  wondered how Sampath can even fool people so easily. The spy did not want to miss any detail; he even used his sense of smell to get any further clue about Sampath. The smell of cardamom and cloves filled the air. Someone was cooking. The spy thought that Sampath might be on drugs…


Sampath’s advice

Can anybody comprehend all there is to know about God?
Once you have broken a bottle you can no longer distinguish the air inside from the air outside.
Can you talk about the problem of religious unrest in our country?
North, south, east and west, everyone eats lentils in some form or another and everybody receives their nutritional benefits.
I try to interest my children in spiritual matters, but they turn a deaf ear.
There is no sign of the fruit when you buy the shoot.  A watermelon does not exist before the watermelon season.